Thursday, 27 October 2011

Remember me??

Hello remember me?
I haven't posted in ages, too many other lovely blogs to go and look at! I have made lots of cards but haven't taken any photos of them.  I will try and sort that out for next week. I will also take a photo of the 'clip it up' that I made. It works really well, I'm very pleased with it.
I also made some storage for my copic and spectrum noir pens. I 'll photograph that too. I was really, really pleased with that. The idea is not mine, I saw it on another blog but I can't remember where. So simple to make and it's fantastic.
The weather here is awful, rainy, grey and a bit chilly too. I'm away for the weekend to Devon. Luckily the weather is going to cheer up so we should be ok!
So the plan is to take some photos to share next week.

Well kids, I hope the weather is better where you are :)

Big kisses

1 comment:

Marlou McAlees said...

hi Katie :)

good to see you back, look forward to seeing your cards, your blog is looking lovely and festive!! ♥